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“Love Beets” – A whole new outlook on Beetroot!

As our partnership with G’s Fresh continues to grow the latest innovation with Beetroot goes back to basics, as the following press release explains:

Love Beets adds a splash of colour to UK roads in partnership with Turners (Soham) Ltd


This week you might catch an extra splash of colour on your daily commute as four freshly liveried lorries take to the nation’s roads. Love Beets, the no mess, no fuss beetroot brand has commissioned four strikingly splashed lorries in partnership with Turners of Soham to make their way around the UK delivering beetroot to Tesco stores nationally.

Lucy Jex, Marketing Executive for Love Beets commented ‘We can’t wait to see our colourful liveries take to the streets! As a nation of dull diners, we’re trying to change consumer perceptions of beetroot, often seen as a traditional, messy or tricky vegetable, with our #livecolourfully campaign, embracing the health benefits of a colourful plate and lifestyle. Our new liveries really are bringing our beets to the streets.’

Shaun Leonard of Turners says ‘It’s great to have been able to help bring our customers ideas to life with their new liveries. We’re more than happy to encourage healthy lifestyle choices and bring some extra colour to our fleet.’

The Love Beets branded lorries are the next part of the brand’s wider #LiveColourfully campaign which recently saw its TV debut sponsorship of ITV’s Ainsley Harriet’s Caribbean Kitchen.

The Love Beets range is perfect for consumers looking to add a splash of colour to their plate and make over lacklustre lunches and dull dinners. All products are available exclusively in larger Tesco stores nationwide now. RRP £1.25 each.

If you want to find out more about Turners and the services we provide please contact our reception team at the Newmarket.

Turners Headquarters: 01638 720335