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Turners – Driver of the Year 2019 – Results and details of this year’s Final

Turners Driver of the Year 2019 competition drew to a close on August 3rd with the final held at the Newmarket headquarters.

Starting in April and following three competitive rounds, over 1000 drivers battled to be one of the seven finalists representing Crick, Exning, Felixstowe, Bicker, Glasgow, Spalding and Donington depots in this years final.

The competition judges drivers not only on their weekly performance scores but compliance with tachograph infringements scores, Safety, adhering to company policies and procedures along with knowledge of Road signs & markings and EU regulations. The aim being to have the seven most professional all round drivers represented in the Final.


Our Finalists along with Paul Day, Managing Director Turners, Robert Baxter, Managing Director Chassis Cab ltd and our support team for the day.

The Finalists:     Bartosz Grudzinski – Exning (3rd left) Frantisek Bogyi – Spalding (4th left)              Michal Bzorek – Crick (5th left)  Edward Chambers – Glasgow (6th left)  Ralph Church – Felixstowe  (7th left)  Mark Jones – Bicker (6th right)  Basil Marriott – Donington  (5th right).

Our finalists faced four challenges:

A 45 minute Test route aimed at achieving the highest MPG with the lowest volume of fuel used.


The Manoeuvring challenge: The aim each year is to present the Finalists with a manoeuvring challenge using a Truck combination none had experienced before. This year was no exception coupling a new DAF XF unit with our unique urban twin axle rear steer refrigerated trailer.

Finalists had a choice of an easier course or the tougher challenge using tighter manoeuvring but the risk of additional penalty seconds added to their overall time. This resulted in a few “shunts” and variance in times of some 7 minutes!

The Circle check challenge: Before embarking on a journey each driver must complete the legal requirement of a circle check for the truck and trailer. This helps identify any faults or damage that would deem the truck and trailer combination unsafe to drive.

This year our training artic and trailer had a number of pre-set faults that each finalist had to find.

The Road sign and markings exam: Testing their knowledge with over forty questions on UK road signs and markings along with our unique system of measuring weekly driver performance and to throw a “curve ball “in some questions on Turners.

Once all drivers had completed the four challenges the scores and results were calculated.

And the Winner was………………..

Michal Bzorek from Crick.

Runner up and third position……..

Edward Chambers (left) from Glasgow and Ralph Church from Felixstowe. Receiving £1000 and £500 worth of holiday vouchers.

Thank you to our Sponsors, Chassis Cab Ltd (DAF Trucks) Scania UK Ltd, Isotrak & Verilocation (Telematics provider) Smartdrive (Camera technology) who contributed towards all the prizes:

Our congratulations go to all our finalists who have set the highest of standards, not only for this competition but in their day to day duties. Their levels of professionalism are an example to other drivers and the transport industry as a whole.

Finally, I would like to thank all my Turners colleagues who have helped make the competition the success it is and in particular for the Final held on August 3rd.

If you would like any further information on our competition, please do not hesitate to contact me.

So until 2020 which promises to be bigger and more challenging than ever.

Stephen Blackmore

Fuel Management & Driver Safety Management

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Turners Headquarters: 01638 720335   

Mobile: 07872 841670